UU Ministry for Earth

by Ann May

From international advocacy, as witnesses at the United Nations climate talks*, to solidarity with the water protectors at Sanding Rock, Unitarian Universalists continue to show up for climate justice.  UU Ministry for Earth is the leading environmental organization among UU congregations, providing information and resources for congregational activities throughout the year, but especially leading up to Earth Day.  Ministry for Earth provides worship materials, tools and resources, sermons, and ideas. The Young Adult Coordinator, an energetic Texan, Alyssa Tharp, convenes monthly webinars with national activists and scholars to provide techniques and tools for local climate justice activists, dubbed EJ Practitioners.

UU Ministry for Earth helps congregations take action on their values, by providing “how-to” resources on advocacy, organizing, public policy issues and the UU theological framework for our environmental justice work.

Please support this organization that is doing work that reflects our UU values, leading our Association to greater awareness of the global environmental challenges facing us and empowering local congregations to address them.

Your gifts ensure that the UU voice for the environment and justice is strong and unified.  We are especially proud of our young adults, who engage in the front lines of environmental challenges, from Corpus Christi to Standing Rock.  Through virtual and face-to-face training and organizing, the Young Adults have created a shared network for climate justice activities. Coordination takes time and people–help us support them (www.uuyacj.org).  The young adults are the ones that visibly represent UU values at rallies and vigils.  We invite you to learn more at www.uuministryforearth.org and on Facebook.  We encourage individual memberships as well as contributions through share-the-plate donations.

Photos, in order:

  1. UUMFE logo
  2. Photo by Cameron Whitten. Pictured: attendees of the first Grounded and Resilient Organizers Workshop (GROW: Climate Justice),
  3. *Photo courtesy of Cat Boyle. Cat Boyle is one of nine UU representatives, and one of two UUYACJ members, going to Marrakech, Morocco as an observer of the UN climate change summit COP22.
  4. Eli [left] with their partner Kerri, at a Corpus Christi #WaterIsLife demonstration at City Hall.  Eli is an UU young adult, a seminarian at Starr King School for the Ministry, and member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Corpus Christi.