03/18/2020 • Katy Carpman

Stay home.  Stay safe.
We’re all in this together!
Stay connected at Emersonhouston.org  

Our church sign - Stay Safe. Stay Home. We're all in this together. Stay connected at emersonhouston.org

With the Covid-19 pandemic, we are all going through a difficult and uncertain time.  In order to protect ourselves and our larger community, the Board of Trustees and the staff are in agreement that Emerson will close its facilities until the end of April, at which time we will reassess the need for this measure.  Only Board members, the Treasurer and staff will have access to the building during this time.  In addition, staff will be working from home much of the time, checking messages regularly.

Of course, with the building closed we will not meet in person for any worship, church activities or meetings.  BUT – that doesn’t mean we can’t be together in new and different ways.  Starting Sunday, March 22, we will be having online Worship services at our regular time through the video conferencing service Zoom!  (Not to worry, if you are unfamiliar with ZOOM, instructions on how to get started are here.)

Also, your staff and lay leaders are working hard to develop ways for Emersonians to connect at other times during the week through already established groups and through new groups to come.  Because this is a new way of doing things, it will take some time for us all to become accustomed to connecting in this way.  We ask for your patience as we proceed along that learning curve.  Let’s look upon it as a community adventure, shall we?  An adventure that ultimately could strengthen the ties that bind us together.

The pandemic is forcing us to maintain social distance, but the pandemic does not mean that our need of one another diminishes.  In fact, during this challenging time, we need one another more than ever.  Please plan to join us this Sunday at 11 am! The live link to our online service will be https://emersonhouston.org/SundayService.