First Unitarian Universalist Church of Houston – Thoreau-Richmond Campus – COVID
Important Notice: Please read an important notice from our Senior Minister here. First UU Church is suspending all in-person services and gatherings until further notice.
See the Home page to learn about on-line Sunday Services.
Many of our campus Enrichment groups are meeting via ZOOM, at their regular time. Email if you are interested in specific on-line group meetings, and we will send you a Zoom invite.
Additional First UU Church on-line groups are available – see the icon on the top right of the Home page for details and instructions to connect.
We look forward to the time when we can all gather in person again.

The Thoreau-Richmond campus of First UU Church is located at our beautiful site at 3515 Clayhead Road, Richmond, TX.
Please view our campus pages to learn more about all the different events we host for visitors, friends and members. You can also check Facebook to learn more about our campus and First UU Church.
Exploring UU Workshops are offered once a month after Sunday Service on either the third or fourth Sunday, pending interest.
Parking is available in our lot (please honor the Fire Lane signs), on the south side of Clayhead road, and in the neighborhood across the street (please do not block any driveways).
We welcome old friends and new to our community. Come and check out our beautiful, five-acres home!